Rocket Docs

Getting started

Getting started

Rocket Docs is ready for Gatsby v5. New projects will use the new version!

The best way to start is by using our starter:

npx gatsby new rocketdocs

But, if you prefer, you can install and configure manually.

Using Yarn:

yarn add @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs

Using NPM:

npm i @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs

Theme Options

basePath/NoRoot url for all docs
configPathconfigNoLocation of config files
docsPathdocsNoThe site description for SEO and social (FB, Twitter) tags
homePath-NoLocation of home file
githubUrl--Deprecated in favor of repositoryUrl
repositoryUrl-NoThe complete URL of your repository (supports GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket). Example: https://github/jpedroschmitz/rocketdocs
baseDir-NoIf your Gatsby site does not live in the root of your project directory/git repo, pass the subdirectory name here (ex: docs)
withMdxtrueNoIf necessary, you can add your own MDX options to the theme. To do so, make sure you turn this option to false and include gatsby-plugin-mdx on your gatsby-config
branchmainNoDefault branch of the repository

Note: When adding a BitBucket link on the repositoryUrl option, don't add the src/<branch> to it. Example of correct link:

Example usage

module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
siteTitle: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`,
defaultTitle: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`,
siteTitleShort: `gatsby-theme-docs`,
siteDescription: `Out of the box Gatsby Theme for creating documentation websites easily and quickly`,
siteUrl: ``,
siteAuthor: `@jpedroschmitz`,
siteImage: `/banner.png`,
siteLanguage: `en`,
themeColor: `#8257E6`,
basePath: `/`,
plugins: [
resolve: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`,
options: {
basePath: `/`,
configPath: `src/config`,
docsPath: `src/docs`,
homePath: `src/home`,
repositoryUrl: ``,
baseDir: `examples/gatsby-theme-docs`,

Once you have installed the dependencies you will need to create the navigation and documentation files.

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